Install chocolatey powershell
Install chocolatey powershell

With no luck, I tried quite a few commands after the installation of Chocolatey like msbuild ActionsSetup\ActionsSetup.wixproj /t:Clean,Build /p:Configuration=Release /p:TargetFrameworkVersion=v$env:DOTNET_FRAMEWORK /p:PackageAsSingleFile=false msbuild WindowsFormsActions.sln /t:Clean,Build /p:Configuration=Release /p:TargetFrameworkVersion=v$env:DOTNET_FRAMEWORK /p:PackageAsSingleFile=false Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force ::SecurityProtocol = ::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072 iex ((New-Object ).DownloadString(''))

install chocolatey powershell

Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -RequiredVersion -Force But What commands should I run to refresh the powershell without closing it so that choco command is recognised version: 0.2 On a local machine it works fine if we close the powershell and open a new instance. It's throwing an error saying 'choco is not recognised as the name of the cmdlet'

install chocolatey powershell

As part of my buildspec file, I installed Chocolatey but the subsequent command to install wixtoolset through choco command isn't working. My end goal is to install wixtoolset as part of AWS Code Pipeline to build a project.

Install chocolatey powershell